- Who we are?
Udhetim.al is a travel company that offers its customers convenience, security and the best services.
- How to find Udhetim.al?
You can check our website http://www.udhetim.al/ and you can see where we are, there will find our office address, phone number, own email address.
- What we do?
We offer vacation all over the world from those with exotic to the most wonderful ones.
- Offers travel Udhetim.al for all categories?
Shure, we offer travels for all categories from the lowest to the highest levels.
- Why choose us?
We offer the best destinations, tour, trips, activities with a team of professional and qualified staff to assure your safety and welfare during your vacation, with the best prices in the tourism market.
- Looking for a personalized tour?
We offer personalization tour according to your agenda, with destinations, locations, time spend to fulfill your every request and wish for the dream vacation you ever wanted.
- Lack of time for vacation?
We offer day trip with amazing locations near Albania, starting from the north with its beautiful views to the south.
- Is there a price discount when traveling to the group?
When traveling in the group there is certainly a discount but, in the group, you find the best prices.
- Can I have private holidays?
Yes, you can have private holidays, we take care of this part that everything you want to be perfect.
- Do you have another question?
Please contact us at our phone number, email address ore you can come to our office.